Friday 19 April 2013

Birdsville 2013 - Day 9

Thursday 4th April, 2013

Up fairly early this morning, taking advantage of the showers etc.  Craig having to carry Boris out to the road and go for a walk.

It's with a bit of sadness again this morning that we pack up camp, to head off north easterly today.  Adrian, Tania & Jamie are leaving us this morning, they've got to make tracks toward Melbourne now :(
You know really our ragtag bunch that came together to make up our travelling circus for the run home, worked extremely well.  Combinations of people only met for the first time in Birdsville:  We have know Darren & Julia now for well probably about 6 or 7 years, Darren & Julia obviously know Jess & Haydn being their Vic agent for Travelander, hats off to Adrian & Tania who we camped next to at Birdsville, they didn't know any of us but at least they got to spend a couple of days with us (not sure if you'd say they were lucky to spend a couple of days with us or not!), before we all headed off into the wilderness.  You kinda figure out within a few hours really of meeting someone and talking with them, whether or not you're going to get along and like them.  Luckily we all did get along rather well actually, each had stories to tell, interesting lives to talk about, had travelling/4wd experience and generally we are all fun people - I have to say couldn't have asked for a better group of people to come together and travel with.  All we needed was to throw Jim & Ev that we met up the Cape in there, for more laughs. 
Our few days spent socialising and travelling home with these guys, has made our Birdsville trip even more memorable and built some new friendships.  Funny how that happens when you go travelling.

Righto, Adrian & Tania are off south and our 2 cars are off north east to a little place called Hebel.  Darren & Julia had called in there a few years ago, but the pub was closed and they said it was a really beaut looking little pub.  We've haven't been there, so lets go!!

Firstly east to Bourke 190klms, then Brewarrrina 100klms, then north east and into Queensland to Hebel 200klms.  Better get cracking  then!  I have to admit something here, my trip journal suffered immensely on this trip, I'll put it down to the activities in Birdsville and socialising, then the chatting, distractions, fun and the fact we had company on the way home instead of travelling solo.  I really didn't do my normal regimented daily entries or downloading of daily photos/videos - very slack on my behalf I know.  So I am winging it from here on and have been on a few days already in the blog.  I'm sure our travelling circus cohorts will let me know when they read this, if I've missed anything!!

Right back to the trip - again.....
I don't think much happened on the road to Bourke, we arrived about 12pm and pulled into the "Back O'Bourke Exhibition Centre", they had shade sails over the car park and it was lunchtime - perfect.  Now somewhere on the road today not too far from Bourke, boy reads a sign to me as we went barrelling past "Back O'Bourke Tree" look at that or something similar to that, it all happened so fast.  Ensuing conversation in the truck went something like this:  "why didn't you tell me earlier, so I could get the camera out", "I didn't know it was coming up", "well why didn't you slow down for goodness sacks (that's pretty it nicely)", "I didn't know" - I'm still wondering if Darren knew it was coming up and didn't say anything......  Men!

Lunchtime at Bourke
Lunch and then I stayed with Boris, while boy, Darren, Julia, Jayden & Damen went for a look in the Back O'Bourke Exhibition Centre" quickly.  Time to move on now,  hooooo move em out!

We're back on bitumen for a bit to Brewarrina, but we did have some interesting traffic on the road -

Yep, a Mob of Emus running along the
road with us - yes we slowed down
we didn't want to hit any of them.
While I remember there was a discussion yesterday I think, about what is a group of Emu's called:  Craig voted for a gaggle I think, Adrian & Darren went with Herd from memory and I said to boy I think it's something different, kinda funny.  Then we moved onto Crows and Craig enthralled us all with his knowledge of useless information with "they're called a Parliament of Crows I think", which of course caused numerous funny remarks in relations to the Australian Parliament etc.  We did find out when Darren's boys googled it on the way out of Bourke it's called a "Mob" of emus and Crows are a "Murder of Crows", which still enabled the boys to make reference to the Australian Parliament - kept them amused I suppose.

Okay, so nothing much to talk about in this leg - dirt road, lots of emus and I think Craig started rating the cattle grids we went over from 1 to 10  - 1 being very poor and 10 obviously being un-noticeable.  No 10's, generally somewhere between a 4 and I think we gave out a few 9's.  Yeah, you got it, there's nothing much to talk about on the road today, so amusing ones self is paramount for the boys...

Yep, finally got a shot of a Mob of Emus

there's our dirt road - again!

Yep, more dirt road with Darren in front
what can I say, it was a slow news day!

Last few klms into Hebel was bitumen again.  Hebel is a little bit bigger then what Darren & Julia remember, but they didn't see all the town last time they were here (just the pub....).  It's a real cute little town, some houses, caravan park, general store, pub & cabin accommodation, big rest area & free camping on the Balonne River.

Now, the pub is an absolute cracka.  Quirky pictures painted around the walls, antiques sitting in a corner, very friendly Publican.
The Hebel Hotel originally opened in 1894 as a Cobb and Co. changing station and later operated as a hotel. According to locals the building has not changed its name since then. The hotel still features the original hitching rail and displays some quirky artwork. Legend has it members of the Kelly gang drank at this very watering hole - So take the opportunity to soak up both the hotel's hospitality and colourful history.  The Hebel Store was once the old dance hall, built in the 1890's and full of character (information from

Self explanatory

Hebel Pub

Need to make a phone call....

Antiques in the corner

Other end of the pub

Lookin at the pub

Which loo would you use?  This one or
This one??

Front of the pub, again
I was talking to some folks who were camping at the Caravan Park across the road, when we first arrived - nice people.  While chatting to the Publican, we asked him where the best spot to camp for the night was, his suggestion was the free camping on the river (he pointed about 200m or so down the road - you could see the rest area from the bar). We got Boris out of the car and sat out on the front verandah for afternoon drinks.  Some grey nomads came strolling down the road from the rest area and joined us on the verandah for drinks & laughter - very friendly & funny people.  Well, we might have been there a little too long, considering sunset happened while we were there!

On the front verandah

Still on the verandah

Happy Hour!

Darren chatting to a local bloke

Mr Hoger up close...

One of the locals enjoying a beer

The Publican so nicely stuck his head out and said to us that there was some really good sunset photos for the taking in the backyard, including jets flying past leaving there trial behind.  Yep, he was right!!  I think nearly everyone in the pub was standing on the grass watching.

Check out the colours & the jet stream

Look at the old truck.
Righto, it's time to go make camp considering it's 6.15pm.  Down to the river was the decision and found a nice looking spot right on the river, there's a toilet at the rest area within walking distance.  Darren & his boys went off to find some firewood, then comes the call "I've found a good spot over here", so Craig, Julia, myself & Boris squeezed into the front of our single cab and bounced over to where Darren said to go - directions, I don't think are Darren's strong point today!  Got out surveyed the ground and distance to the loo, yeah we girls aren't happy - collect some firewood and back to the first spot - Yah!  Pretty sure it was more or less dark now, we setup the cars/campers facing the river and a campfire was started.  The young fellows are having our leftover Thai chicken cakes with rice for dinner and I'm cooking the big people Ragu with Penne Pasta.  Might have taken longer then usual to cook dinner, something to do with Julia & I chatting madly and some wine - I think!  Eventually we fed the boys, had a sit around the campfire and then headed off to bed.  Me thinks it might have been quite late, yet again.

Sitting around the campfire

Jayden fishing

Our camp on the Balonne River

nice spot
All in all, another fun day driving and meeting some more great people.  See ya in the morning.

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